Vaccines missing as whooping cough cases on the rise

by— The Health Ministry doesn't plan to buy vaccines against the disease.

WFIN Local News—With whooping cough cases on the rise, do you need a booster vaccine?. As whooping cough cases are surging globally, some may wonder if it’s necessary to get a booster. Cases of the childhood respiratory disease also known as pertussis are surging internationally and in parts of the U.S., according to a recent report. Bordetella pertussis is a type of bacteria that causes a very contagious respiratory infection—100 day cough: Public health advice as whooping cough on the rise in Derry & across the north. The ‘Journal’ asked various health bodies for information and comment after numerous reports of people being affected by a persistent coughing condition day and night and lasting for weeks on end, with some needing multiple courses of antibiotics and steroids to help rid them of what appears to be an infection. Latest statistics reveal that there have been over 460 cases of ‘clinically suspected’ whooping cough, which is also called pertussis, notified to the Public Health Agency since January...

KHON2—Whooping cough case being spread through community. Health officials have confirmed another case of whooping cough on the Big Island, and they say it is unrelated to other recent cases.