The Connection Between Seasonal Allergies, Climate Change, and Mental Health

by One Green Planet

One Green Planet— Climate change is changing seasons and their transition period causing us certain allergies and affecting our mental health.

WLNS—Allergies and climate change. When you think of climate change you might think of rising temperatures and melting ice or shifts in weather patterns, but you might not think of it relating to your seasonal allergies.

TechRaptor—Gaming Mental Health Charity Safe In Our World and BAFTA Announce Second Games Mental Health Summit. Safe In Our World and BAFTA have announced a second Games Mental Health Summit, and this one is themed around driving change in the industry.Read this article on TechRaptor

NBC News—Worsening allergies tied to climate change and severe weather. As doctors report more severe allergy symptoms in patients, scientists are blaming climate change and severe weather. NBC News' Anne Thompson reports.