Steam closes an early-access loophole in its refund policy

by Engadget

Engadget— Valve has closed a loophole in Steam's refund policy that effectively allowed players to beat a game before its official release date and get their money back. The company has long had a policy in place whereby users could refund a game, no questions asked, as long as they haven’t played for more than two hours within 14 days. Until now, the refund policy was far more lenient for games in early access or advanced access, but Valve has nipped that in the bud. "When you purchase a title on Steam...

Ars Technica—No more refunds after 100 hours: Steam closes Early Access playtime loophole. It's largely a win against scammers, but a simple policy doesn't fit all games.

Tech Times—Valve Tightens Steam Refund Policy: Early Access, Advanced Access Playtime Now Counts Towards Limit. Steam's newest policy introduces a nuanced approach to refunds, particularly concerning Early Access and Advanced Access titles.

VentureBeat—Sins of a Solar Empire II is coming to Steam following Epic early access. Sins of a Solar Empire II is finally coming to Steam a year-and-a-half after it launched on the Epic Games Store.