Petition: Help Pass the Captive Primate Safety Act

by One Green Planet

One Green Planet— Please sign this petition to encourage your representatives to support and expedite the passage of the Captive Primate Safety Act.

One Green Planet—New Petitions to Sign This Week: Stop Bailing Out Factory Farms, Help Pass the Captive Primate Safety Act, Increase Funding for Better Rail Technology, and More!. Through petitions, we can reach those in power and demand justice for others. They are valuable tools for making positive changes in the world.

One Green Planet—Petition: Help End Bullfighting in Spain. Please take a moment to sign this petition to demand that the local government in Seville finally outlaw bullfighting!

One Green Planet—Petition: Help Scale-Up the Production of Cholera Vaccines. Please sign this petition to urge the governments to partner with manufacturers and speed up the production of cholera vaccines!