NASA Employs Satellite Technology to Safeguard Endangered Species’ Habitats

by One Green Planet

One Green Planet— In a groundbreaking shift, NASA has extended its technological expertise from space exploration to wildlife conservation.

One Green Planet—Daily Top News: Satellites Safeguard Endangered Species’ Habitats, Plant-Based Diet Can Reduce the Impact of Prostate Cancer, Mass Migration of Venomous Snakes, and More!. Here you will find the top viral daily news, a synopsis of the stories, and links to each article to read the full story.—MassWildlife teach residents about endangered species in Montague. MassWildlife is holding multiple events this week for Endangered Species Day, bringing awareness to all the animals and plants that are either endangered, threatened or a special concern in the Commonwealth.—New feather mite species discovered on the endangered Okinawa rail. A research group led by Dr. Tsukasa Waki of Toho University and Professor Satoshi Shimanono of Hosei University have discovered a new mite species, Metanalges agachi, which is thought to clean the feathers of the endangered Okinawa rail, endemic to the northern part of Okinawa Island, Japan.