Giving Holocaust survivors a digital voice in the world

by— With every year that passes, fewer witnesses can tell us about their personal experience of the horrors of the Second World War. That is why the project LediZ (Learning with Digital Testimonies) has developed new interactive digital media that conserve the memories of Holocaust survivors and make these available through the project's website.—Holocaust survivors join candlelight vigil for the National Holocaust Commemoration in London. The candlelight commemoration was attended by Holocaust survivors, accompanied by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

ABC7 San Francisco—Holocaust Remembrance Day: JFCS Holocaust Center gives ABC7 News a tour of the archives. JFCS Holocaust Center in San Francisco gives ABC7 News a tour of the archive as we honor Holocaust Remembrance Day.

All Israel News—Ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day, survey reveals 25% of Israel's Holocaust survivors live in poverty, loneliness. The Foundation for the Welfare of Holocaust Victims published a survey last week revealing that a significant portion (25%) of Holocaust...