A Snoop Dogg TV Marathon Is Dropping On 4/20 If You Have 'Nothing' Planned That Day

by Pedestrian TV

Pedestrian TV— The hallowed date of 4/20 is fast approaching and luckily for your boss, this year it falls on a Saturday. Legally, we can’t tell you what you should be doing on that day but if you were to indulge in some of the devil’s lettuce, we have some great news.  PEDESTRIAN TELEVISION will be streaming […]

USA Today—Celebrate 4/20 with food deals at Wingstop, Popeyes, more. Or sip Snoop Dogg's THC drinks. Restaurants with 4/20 deals and specials on Saturday, April 20, include Wingstop, KFC, Popeyes, Jimmy John's, Smashburger and Insomnia Cookies.

USA Today—Why is 4/20 the unofficial weed day? The history behind April 20 and marijuana. April 20 has become synonymous with marijuana. But how did a random spring day earn this unofficial holiday status? We explain.

Reading Eagle—Berks police plan DUI checkpoint, roving patrols on 4/20 weekend. Stepped-up DUI enforcement is planned this weekend in anticipation of a rise in impaired driving with Saturday’s date (4/20) having significance in the cannabis culture, police in Berks say.