12 Plant-Based Chips to Dip and Dips for Chips!

by One Green Planet

One Green Planet— We went through the Food Monster App and found fun and exciting chips and dip creations. Celebrate with us with some of our favorite chips and dips!

Skillet—Use the 12-12-12 Method to Finally Declutter Your Home. Decluttering can feel overwhelming. Try this systematic approach to pre-planning how much you'll part with and how much you'll keep.

One Green Planet—10 Plant-Based Cauliflower Sandwiches. The tender shreds of cooked cauliflower eerily mirror chicken when cooked right and the mild flavor allows you to season it to your liking.

One Green Planet—10 Plant-Based Sources of Peptides. The benefits of peptides include improved muscle health, cognitive function, mental health, and skin health.