10 Plant-Based Cauliflower Sandwiches

by One Green Planet

One Green Planet— The tender shreds of cooked cauliflower eerily mirror chicken when cooked right and the mild flavor allows you to season it to your liking.

One Green Planet—10 Rich and Creamy Plant-Based Risotto Recipes. Pick one plant-based risotto recipe that sounds good to you and give it a try. No matter which one you choose, you will love it!

One Green Planet—10 Plant-Based Recipes Naturally Sweetened With Lucuma. Lucuma is a subtropical fruit native to Peru, Ecuador, and Chile. It has a sweet, creamy flavor and is often used as a natural sweetener.

One Green Planet—10 Plant-Based Sweet Potato Pie Recipes. Sweet potato pie tastes similar to pumpkin pie but usually has a creamier texture, uses fewer spices, and is more naturally sweet.