• Five of the best books about eating

    From a pioneering 1940s ‘gastrography’ to a recent novel about a real-life 18th-century French peasant cursed with an appetite to eat just about everythingFood in books has a way of lodging in the memory. For some it might be the kidneys on Leopold Bloom’s mind in Joyce’s Ulysses. For others, it’s the hard-won German sausage that Ratty finds at the end of Wind in the Willows. The book may be rich or grotesque, stark or sickly sweet, but we, the reader, are always invited to ask ourselves why,...

  • Meet the men who eat only meat

    “Girl dinner” this is not.

    • Snopes

    Spaniards Don't Eat Dinner Until Midnight?

    The dinner schedule in Spain often befuddles visitors from other countries.

  • Watch this snake being saved from eating itself

    This king snake has gotten into a predicament by attempting to eat itself and succeeding. Thankfully, a human is on standby with hand sanitizer for just such an occasion. Apparently, snakes hate the taste of alcohol. Using hand sanitizer to get a King Snake to stop eating itself. — Read the rest

    • KLFY

    Acadiana Eats: Carpe Diem

    News Ten seized the day with the business’ lemon ginger and biscoff gelatos.

  • What Romanians leave behind in their Uber rides?

    According to Uber eighth annual Lost & Found Index, in Romania, Bucharest is the most forgetful city, being on the sixth place in the list of forgetful European cities. The index also features which times of day and days of the week folks forget items most, and of course, tips on how to reunite them […]

  • Could eating less help you live longer?

    If you put a lab mouse on a diet, cutting the animal’s caloric intake by 30 to 40 percent, it will live, on average, about 30 percent longer. The calorie restriction, as the intervention is technically called, can’t be so extreme that the animal is malnourished, but it should be aggressive enough to trigger some key biological changes.

    • VG247

    Stellar Blade review: Having its cake, and eating it

    Hey pal, grab a chair. Sit down a while. I've spoken to your parents, and they're worried about you, mate. They've been telling me that you're thinking about buying Stellar Blade on the PS5 - don't get up! It's okay, this is a no judgement zone, bud. Don't look embarrassed, it's just me and you having a conversation here. Now, let me tell you something Ignore those bozos. Stellar Blade is a downright shocker of a release. An uppercut to the "best games coming in April" videos who could not see...

    • KLFY

    Acadiana Eats: The Flats Burger and Backyard

    They showed us how they put together their signature loaded fries and their popular double cheeseburger.

  • 6 Maine bugs you can actually eat

    Curious foragers can enjoy a feast featuring plenty of insects that you can harvest right here in the Pine Tree State.

  • Rio Ferdinand and Just Eat Are Serving It Hot

    As we move closer toward the semi final stage of this year's Champions League, just four clubs remain in the standings—BVB Borussia Dortmund, Paris Saint-Germa

  • Bossing Vic: ‘EAT Bulaga’ keeps me young

    Vic Sotto is enjoying a month-long birthday celebration this April on his TV5 noontime show, “EAT Bulaga.”