Meet Tenacity: The new space plane at Kennedy Space Center

    The winged space vehicle is undergoing the last round of testing and proving ahead of its inaugural mission.

  • The Future of the Space Industry

    The privatisation of space travel is cutting the cost of rocket launches and powering innovation.

  • Technology has revolutionized birdwatching

    "I joined the Penobscot Valley Chapter of Maine Audubon 38 years ago. Back then, there was a rare bird alert recorded once weekly."

  • Why technology has not transformed building

    New technology has yet to transform homebuilding which is still largely a manual task.

  • Smoke-free spaces

    World No Tobacco Day will be celebrated on May 31 and Mijas Town Hall is helping to remind people of the serious health problems caused by the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products. In collaboration with the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC), Mijas will join the network of towns and cities with smoke-free spaces. These […]

  • Revolution Technology, where there is always a solution

    It seems that every week sees a new innovation in the world of home entertainment and you really need to take advice from experts about what will suit your individual needs, so Revolution Technology is ideally place to assist. The options just get bigger and bigger all the time and this shop, staffed by people […]

  • New technologies, new issues

    Fei Lu and Stephen Xuereb of PI Berlin offer an overview of the present trends in module quality assurance and likely future challenges.

  • Technology Companies Are Worth Trillions: Are They Too Big?

    The top five American technology companies are worth trillions. Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, Alphabet (Google), and Amazon have more than $12 trillion in market capitalization.

  • Viasat takes space play to Azerbaijan

    Viasat teamed with Azerbaijan’s satellite operator Azercosmos to provide space-based connectivity for a range of industrial applications covering Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Central and South Asia.

    • WSJ

    Vindicating Mike Turner on Space Nukes

    New details show the House Intel Chair was right to raise alarms about

  • TechCrunch Space: Star(side)liner

    Hello and welcome back to TechCrunch Space. For those who haven’t heard, the first crewed launch of Boeing’s Starliner capsule has been pushed back yet again to no earlier than May 25. From NASA: “The additional time allows teams to further assess a small helium leak in the Boeing Starliner spacecraft’s service module traced to […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

  • Technology Helping Prevent Whale Strikes

    Whales are magnificent, intelligent mammals whose life span can be as long as a human’s. However, their lives can be cut short. As many as 80 whales are estimated to die each