• Mitch McConnell sides with national security hawks in showdown over FISA spy program

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday criticized those putting up roadblocks to reauthorizing the government’s chief spying tool.

  • Google Drive goes to the dark side.

    Google is finally rolling out support for dark mode on Google Drive. Over the next two weeks, all personal and Workspace users will have the option to work in the dark by going to Drive > Appearance > Dark. [Attachment: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/vDrct9RUAP_jlnERfeIacmV5i6w=/0x0:1600x900/1600x900/filters:focal(800x450:801x451)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25403067/Dark_mode_now_available_in_Google_Drive_web.jpeg]

  • The Pentagon is flirting with the dark side of AI

    Rhetoric from the Pentagon and the arms industry suggests that integrating artificial intelligence, or AI, into U.S. weapons, communications, and surveillance systems will improve efficiency, innovation, and national security. The Pentagon is beginning to back its rhetoric on emerging technology with resources. The department’s Office of Strategic Capital now has the authority to grant executive loans and loan guarantees to invest in firms researching and developing 14 “critical technologies,”...

  • Mitch McConnell: Tucker Carlson 'ended up where he should have been all along'

    U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday took aim at former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in response to a question about the recent passing of the $95.3 billion bipartisan foreign aid bill. About $60 billion of the bill will be used to assist Ukraine in its fight against Russia. Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this year. Axios notes, "It's not the first time McConnell has publicly criticized Carlson, also blasting the anchor for his...

  • China Heads to the Dark Side of the Moon. NASA Shrugs.

    I am just old enough to remember the Apollo missions. I was only a toddler when Neil Armstrong made his historic walk, but I do recall griping to my parents that Saturday morning cartoons had been pre-empted for videos of a bunch of astronauts bouncing around the lunar surface. Hey, I was a little kid. For all I knew, people went to the moon every day. I just wanted to know what had happened to Bugs Bunny. That is a perfectly legitimate excuse if one is six. Of course, watching the Apollo...

  • Tucker Carlson to Blame for 'Demonization of Ukraine': Mitch McConnell

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for Republican opposition to aid for Ukraine amid its ongoing war against Russia.The Senate voted 80-19 on Tuesday to break a filibuster on the $95 billion aid package recently passed by the House. Final passage is expected Tuesday night.In a press conference after the Senate vote, McConnell pointed to the conservative commentator's February interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin as a turning point in the...

    • CNN

    Watch: Mitch McConnell blasts Tucker Carlson over Ukraine bill

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has been a staunch supporter of aid for Ukraine and Israel, blamed Tucker Carlson for stoking anti-Ukraine sentiment amongst Republicans, as Congress gets one step closer to passing a foreign aid package.

    • Yahoo

    Mitch McConnell Blames Tucker Carlson For The GOP's 'Demonization of Ukraine'

    The far-right political commentator has “ended up where he should've been all along, which is interviewing Vladimir Putin," charged the Senate GOP leader.

  • The Dark Side of Ceclon is a one-man show coming in June

    The Dark Side of Ceclon is a solo-made TPS open world from SOLIDS Studio's Alexandre Huger, and will be available on Windows PC via Steam on 21 June.

  • 'Hypocritical' Mitch McConnell blasted after fit about 'ignoring' Senate procedure

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) complained that Democrats had ignored Senate procedures after they voted down two articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.In a vote along party lines, Democrats managed to table the two articles of impeachment. Republicans cried foul because the move circumvented a Senate trial."We've set a very unfortunate precedent here," McConnell said following the vote. "This means that the Senate can ignore,...

  • White House employs Mitch McConnell for latest attack line against Trump

    The White House highlighted comments Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made earlier this week to attack former President Donald Trump‘s role in sinking the bipartisan Ukraine-border bill. Senators had unveiled a bipartisan bill to address border security while sending billions in aid to help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion. But Republicans tanked the […]

  • Mitch McConnell sees Ukraine aid as one of the most important legislative victories of his career

    WASHINGTON — For Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the monthslong fight over U.S. aid to Ukraine carried historical implications. Last year, Ukrainian forces were successfully holding off Russian advances but were in desperate need of new weapons, ammunition and supplies. President Joe Biden sent an urgent request to Congress for a new round of aid to the war-torn country, and McConnell, R-Ky., immediately got on board. But he faced a major obstacle: The loudest voices in his own party had...