China Heads to the Dark Side of the Moon. NASA Shrugs.

by PJ Media

PJ Media— I am just old enough to remember the Apollo missions. I was only a toddler when Neil Armstrong made his historic walk, but I do recall griping to my parents that Saturday morning cartoons had been pre-empted for videos of a bunch of astronauts bouncing around the lunar surface. Hey, I was a little kid. For all I knew, people went to the moon every day. I just wanted to know what had happened to Bugs Bunny. That is a perfectly legitimate excuse if one is six. Of course, watching the Apollo...

Daily Mail—as China beats NASA in launching first mission to dark side of moon. Russia could deploy a nuclear satellite that could wipe out all others in space. Satellites provide cell phone reception, internet access and military surveillance. READ MORE:

The Guardian—China to launch ambitious mission to far side of the moon amid Nasa ‘space race’ concerns. The launch of the uncrewed Chang’e-6 is part of China’s effort to put a human on the lunar surface by 2030China will attempt another mission to the far side of the moon on Friday, the first of three planned over coming years as part of its goal to land a human on the lunar surface by 2030.The launch of the uncrewed Chang’e-6 is expected sometime between 8.30am GMT and 11am GMT and the mission – if successful – would go far to bolster China’s ambitions to put a man on the moon by 2030. Continue...

Mashable—What's on the far side of the moon? Well, not darkness.. The far side of the moon is the hemisphere Earthlings never see. Though it's not shrouded in darkness, many mysteries persist.