Why single women don't vote Republican (and probably never will)

by TheBlaze

TheBlaze— While many Republicans blame Donald Trump for the lack of female support in their party, women’s blue voting patterns began far before his reign. And Steve Deace has the receipts. As early as 2004, John Kerry polled at 18+ points more with unmarried women than George Bush, who polled at 10+ points more with married women. The trend continued with each election up until 2020, with the only exception being Hillary Clinton polling at 2+ points more than Trump with married women and 29+...

The Independent—Kamala Harris says Republicans ‘extremists’ either ‘don’t know or don’t care how a woman’s body works’. The vice president, speaking in Florida, accused Donald Trump of ‘gaslighting’ the country because of his changing positions on abortion

The Guardian—‘I don’t even dream about sex I don’t miss it at all’: readers on why they chose celibacy. Inner peace, clarity of mind and for some, better orgasms. Readers share their experiences of swearing off sex, whether temporarily or long term in our Intimate details seriesOver the last few years more than 120 million posts have appeared on TikTok about the rise of an unexpected trend: self-imposed celibacy.While some predicted a post-pandemic era of “sexual licentiousness”, readers from all walks of life and across generations told us that far from doubling down on hookup culture, they’ve...

TheHill—Johnson: Republicans ‘don’t have a functioning majority’ in the House. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) joined Jesse Watters Wednesday to discuss the massive foreign aid package that recently passed both chambers, and the difficulties Republicans have faced getting immigration-related reforms passed with a Democratic Senate and President Biden in office. “Listen, we’re dealing with the smallest majority in U.S. history. We have a one-vote margin,” Johnson said on "Jesse Watters