Vermilion Parish NAACP claims library director banned them from meeting, director clarifies policies


KLFY— One of those policies states that there can be no exchange of funds.

Portland Mercury—Good Morning, News: Portland State Library Stand-Off, More Urban Alchemy Controversy, and Arizona Replaces Horrible Abortion Ban with Another Horrible Abortion Ban. by Suzette Smith The Mercury provides news and fun every single day—but your help is essential. If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us. Thanks for your support! Good Morning, Portland! Once again we join you from a police perimeter. The morning news might be short today because we're monitoring the PSU library, so stayed...

@capitalandmain—As Book Bans Soar, Public Libraries Are the New Battleground. Huntington Beach has led a charge on “relocating” children’s books. Now they may hand the library off to a private firm.

KLFY—Body found in Vermilion Parish canal Friday unidentified. A body found floating in a canal near Kaplan Friday morning has yet to be idenitified, authorities said.