Turning to nature to improve vital water treatment

by Phys.org

Phys.org— Escalating industrialization, urbanization and climate change in Asia present a significant challenge to maintaining water quality.

Green Matters—How to Turn Avocado Pits Into Adorable, All-Natural Buttons. Avocado pits are not to be discarded in this fascinating tip from a crocheter who shows how to turn them into a neat button craft.

Phys.org—Improved AI process could better predict water supplies. A new computer model uses a better artificial intelligence process to measure snow and water availability more accurately across vast distances in the West, information that could someday be used to better predict water availability for farmers and others.

The Monitor—Commentary: Connecting with nature can help improve our health. When Garth Stevenson, a nature musician and composer, carried his 6-foot-tall double bass instrument with him to Antarctica, he had a life-changing experience when he imitated whale calls on his instrument. He ended up drawing 12 sei whales to the edge of the icebreaker where he stood making music. Having grown up in the mountains of Western Canada, Stevenson has always connected his music to nature, but this experience in Antarctica revealed the two-way connection between humans and our natural...