Trade war: Why Biden and Trump are working to out-tariff each other

by Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner— President Joe Biden and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump are now working to one-up each other with various tariff proposals despite both political parties enthusiastically backing free trade just a few years ago. The latest came on Wednesday, when Biden proposed tripling the import tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum, subject to an investigation by […]

Washington Examiner—Biden brings the gender war to work. President Joe Biden’s appointees continue to push the radicalism that keeps his approval ratings at record lows. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has done it again with new rules to force speech of a specific type when people are at work. The EEOC’s job is to apply federal law written by Congress pertaining to the […]

MSNBC—Trump is beating Biden on inflation — but has no clue how inflation works. Former President Donald Trump loves tariffs. He absolutely goes nuts for them and has made an even sharper turn back to protectionist policies a major part of his campaign. He also has no idea how tariffs work or what function they perform and doesn’t understand how his proposed policies would pile higher costs on American consumers already frustrated with rising inflation. That’s why it’s confounding that voters somehow trust Trump to bring down prices. Trump’s latest love letter to tariffs...

CNBC—Trump wins voters on inflation as Biden zeroes in on tariffs, jobs: NBC News poll. Trump attacked Biden on social media following the release of the most recent consumer price index.