• Is it healthier to sleep on your left side or your right side?

    If you're tossing and turning at night due to heartburn, sleep apnea, or other health issues, your sleeping position could be the culprit – or the solution. According to Lifehacker, for heartburn sufferers, "lying on your left side means that food and digestive juices have an easier time staying inside the stomach where they're supposed to be. — Read the rest

  • Foundation Side Effects on Face: Side effects of applying foundation on your face regularly

    Regularly applying foundation to your face can have various effects, both positive and negati ve, depending on factors such as skin type, the quality of the product used, and individual

  • Does It Really Matter Which Side You Sleep On?

    If you have a sleeping position that is comfortable, and you don’t have any medical issues suggesting that you should change it, you’re probably fine to sleep any way you want. That said, side sleeping is often recommended as a good thing. Let’s consider all the factors and see whether there’s an optimal side for you.

  • The Shady Side Of Candace Owens

    While she's carved out a niche in conservative corridors, Candace Owens has found herself persona non grata in numerous circles due to her shady antics.

  • The Shady Side Of Morgan Wallen

    Morgan Wallen became a popular American country music singer after appearing on Season 6 of The Voice. Since then, he's had his share of controversy.

  • Getting to the other side of the biodiversity crisis

    A 4-pronged strategy can turn the tide of species extinction.

    • Forbes

    History Not On The Islanders’ Side As They Try To Make It

    Of the five teams in the four major sports leagues to mount the miraculous comeback, four are in the NHL.

  • What's on the far side of the moon? Well, not darkness.

    The far side of the moon is the hemisphere Earthlings never see. Though it's not shrouded in darkness, many mysteries persist.

  • Naan, the friendly side of Santa Catalina

    Naan is inspired by street food, offering original takes on recipes from around the world in a relaxed atmosphere. In the cramped Santa Catalina district, it is great to come across this little restaurant on the edge of the fray. Chef/owner Nicholas Malenchini has the best credentials to create a cool but unpretentious street food […]

  • Whose Side are You On? The People’s or the Polluters’?

    It’s well known that Republicans are “friendly” to corporations. But, as Montana’s top elected officials, Gov. Greg Gianforte and Attorney General Austin Knudsen, increasingly side with the polluters, Montana’s citizens are angered and more than justified to ask: Whose side are you on, the polluters or the people? The latest example of our Republican officials More

  • Google Drive goes to the dark side.

    Google is finally rolling out support for dark mode on Google Drive. Over the next two weeks, all personal and Workspace users will have the option to work in the dark by going to Drive > Appearance > Dark. [Attachment: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/vDrct9RUAP_jlnERfeIacmV5i6w=/0x0:1600x900/1600x900/filters:focal(800x450:801x451)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25403067/Dark_mode_now_available_in_Google_Drive_web.jpeg]

  • Is this the Fulfillment of the Bear, Dragon and Lion Prophecy?

    Back in January, Dutch Sheets gave a prophetic word about the rise of "the dragon, bear and lion" for 2024. Now, it would appear that this prophecy could be playing out right in front of us. "The dragon, the bear and the lion, that would be Russia, China and Iran will continue their attempts to gain influence, seeing America's weakness under Biden as their opportunity," Sheets said. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! Now, as we see that Iran has...