Teacher Reminds Parents To Stop Bringing Extended Family On Kid's Field Trips

by Scary Mommy

Scary Mommy— A teacher has a gripe to pick with parents who are willing to help out with a class field trip — stop bringing your extended family!

Scary Mommy—A Teacher Says The Problem With Kids Today Is Their Parents: "Your Kids Are Not Special". A teacher with 24 years of experience in the U.S. and abroad believes this wave of teachers leaving has to do with a cultural shift in parenting styles.

WRIC—Warner, Kaine introduce ‘Lucia’s Law’ in Congress to hold parents accountable if kids access parents’ guns. Virginia’s U.S. Senators have introduced a bill in Congress they say could reduce gun violence in America.

Scary Mommy—Can I Date My Kid’s Teacher?. I've struck out on dating apps. Is it too close to home if I date my kid's teacher?