States want to make it harder for health insurers to deny care, but firms might evade enforcement

by The Voice

The Voice— In recent years, insurers have ratcheted up their use of prior authorization, causing delays and denials of care that are harming or even killing people, many doctors and patients say.

CNBC—Walmart to shutter health centers, virtual care service in latest failed push into health care. Walmart said clinics are not a sustainable business model due to a challenging reimbursement environment for primary care and increasing operating costs.—Moving to Universal Health Care, Beginning in the States. One of the greatest systemic failures in the U.S. is healthcare. Even after the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act: + 26 million Americans, or 7.9% of the population, still lack health insurance. + 51% of working age adults have difficulties affording health insurance. + 38% of working age adults delayed or skipped needed More—Friends with health benefits: How a friend might make pursuing goals more attainable. Weekly targets, annual resolutions, five-year plans—all of them so troublingly elusive. With best intentions, most of us fail to stick with the goals we set.