Supreme Court appears skeptical that state abortion bans conflict with federal health care law

by— WASHINGTON (AP) — Conservative Supreme Court justices appeared skeptical Wednesday that state abortion bans enacted after the overturning of Roe v. Wade violate federal health care law, though some also questioned the effects on emergency care for pregnant patients. The case marks the first time the Supreme Court has considered the implications of a state []

WCCB Charlotte—Supreme Court Appears Skeptical That State Abortion Bans Conflict With Federal Health Care Law. Conservative Supreme Court justices appeared skeptical Wednesday that state abortion bans enacted after the overturning of Roe v. Wade violate federal health care law.—Supreme Court deeply DIVIDED over Idaho abortion law: Justices get into heated argument over the 'shocking' scope of state's near-total ban that stops doctors giving women emergency care. Court heard arguments over Idaho case on abortions in medical emergencies. Biden administration believes Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act trumps state abortion laws in some cases. It's the first case over a state abortion ban to go before the court since Roe fell. Pro and anti-abortion rights protesters gathered outside the Supreme Court

The Daily Signal—Supreme Court Grills Government on US Law Requiring Emergency Care: Does It Trump State Law Restricting Abortion?. The Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday in two consolidated cases, Moyle v. Idaho and Idaho v. United States, to determine whether a federal law governing Read More