• Top AI Companies Commit To Safe AI Development at the AI Seoul Summit

    16 global AI companies a has signed agreements pledging safe AI development at the AI Seoul Summit hosted by UK and South Korea.

  • In Seoul summit, heads of states and companies commit to AI safety

    Government officials and AI industry executives agreed on Tuesday to apply elementary safety measures in the fast-moving field and establish an international safety research network. Nearly six months after the inaugural global summit on AI safety at Bletchley Park in England, Britain and South Korea are hosting the AI safety summit this week in Seoul. The […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

  • Global AI leaders agree to safety rules at Seoul summit

    UK prime minister Rishi Sunak said the AI Seoul Summit is a ‘world first’ for getting agreement from companies around the world, including from the US, China and the UAE. : Global AI leaders agree to safety rules at Seoul summit

  • Govts, tech firms vow to cooperate against AI risks at Seoul summit

    More than a dozen countries and some of the world's biggest tech firms pledged on Wednesday to cooperate against the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, including its ability to dodge human control, as they wrapped up a global summit in Seoul.AI safety was front and centre of the agenda at the two-day gathering. In the latest declaration, more than two dozen countries including the United States and France agreed to work together against threats from cutting-edge AI, including severe...

  • First companies sign up to AI safety standards on eve of Seoul summit

    Rishi Sunak says 16 international firms have committed, but standards have been criticised for lacking teethThe first 16 companies have signed up to voluntary artificial intelligence safety standards introduced at the Bletchley Park summit, Rishi Sunak has said on the eve of the follow-up event in Seoul.The standards, however, have been criticised for lacking teeth, with signatories committing only to work toward information sharing, invest in cybersecurity and prioritise research into societal...

  • Seoul summit showcases UK’s progress on trying to make advanced AI safe

    The UK is leading an international effort to test the most advanced AI models for safety risks before they hit the public, as regulators race to create a workable safety

  • Seoul summit showcases UK’s progress on trying to make advanced AI safe

    Britain’s AI Safety Institute has been matched by other countries as gathering works on setting up protocol to reduce harms and risksThe UK is leading an international effort to test the most advanced AI models for safety risks before they hit the public, as regulators race to create a workable safety regime before the Paris summit in six months.Britain’s AI Safety Institute, the first of its kind, is now matched by counterparts from around the world, including South Korea, the US, Singapore,...

  • Seoul summit opens with companies including Google, Meta, OpenAI pledging to develop AI safely

    The world’s leading artificial intelligence companies pledged at the start of a mini-summit on AI to develop the technology safely, including pulling the plug if they can’t rein in the most extreme risks.

  • Sam Altman reveals more about the future of AI at AI for Good Global Summit

    Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, recently shared his insights on the future of artificial intelligence at the AI for Good Global Summit. He delved into a wide range of topics, including upcoming AI models, the impact of AI on productivity, cybersecurity concerns, the role of synthetic data, AI governance, and the broader societal implications […]


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  • Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre must change its ways

    In the three months to June 2023 there were 119 reports of sexual or indecent assault including two rapes in the Edinburgh police division area and those victims needed not only justice but access to help and support free from fear. In Glasgow, there is Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis, which this week made clear they prioritised “the safeguarding of single-sex service spaces as we recognise the prevalence of rape and sexual abuse experienced by women is predominantly perpetrated by men.” That...

  • Kishida arrives in Seoul for summit with S Korea, China leaders

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida arrived in Seoul on Sunday for a trilateral summit with South Korea and China, as the regional security environment has become more uncertain amid the North Korean nuclear and missile threats. At the countries' first three-way summit in more than four years, Kishida, South Korean