Russian TV Described Marjorie Taylor Greene as a 'Demonstrably Heterosexual' Beauty?

by Snopes

Snopes— "She is a blonde who wears white coats with a fur collar," a pundit allegedly said. "She’s demonstrably heterosexual."

Boing Boing—Kremlin crony drools over Marjorie Taylor Greene's fashion sense and heterosexuality. Russia's state TV rushed to praise Comrade Marjorie for doing Putin's dirty work on the home front, following her latest threat to block Ukraine aid. One host gushed that the QAnon Queen "is one of a few members of Congress who is trying to look like a person in an old-fashioned sense of the word. — Read the rest

Bangor Daily News—Marjorie Taylor Greene is a distraction that is hurting Republicans. “There is a prerequisite to making public policy. It is called winning elections. In today’s America, winning elections does not start in the House Republican caucus.”—How Marjorie Taylor Greene's Boyfriend Landed In A Scandal. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her boyfriend, Brian Glenn got called out after engaging in some hypocritical behavior involving their past comments on drag queens.