Preparation of single-atom catalysts for highly sensitive gas detecting

by— Gas sensors have been widely applied in areas such as medical health, environmental monitoring, and food safety. However, current gas sensors still face several challenges, including low sensitivity, long response and recovery times, and baseline drift.—Exploring the potential of single-atom catalysts. There is a high level of interest, even excitement, among chemists and materials scientists about the potential of single-atom catalysts (SACs), but their development relies on very specialized tools available only at synchrotrons like the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask).

WMDT—What's to blame for high gas prices?. SALISBURY, Md – Like most Americans, Salisbury University student Anthony Marzullo has been feeling the rise in gas prices where it really hurts: his wallet. “Today, I just came from a class that I had. I came right and I was dreading it. I was like, ‘got to pay another $20, $30 to get half of what I usually get,'”—Ultrasensitive photonic crystal detects single particles down to 50 nanometers. Using an ultrasensitive photonic crystal, TU/e researchers were able to detect single particles down to 50 nanometers in diameter. The new research has just been published in the journal Optica.