Papua New Guinea's prime minister hits back at Biden for suggesting cannibals ate his uncle

by TheBlaze

TheBlaze— Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape is hitting back at President Joe Biden.Last week, Biden suggested that his uncle, World War II veteran Ambrose J. Finnegan, was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea after crashing into the Pacific Ocean in May 1944. It's true that Finnegan's body was never recovered, but there is no evidence that cannibals ate him. — (@) In a statement, Marape condemned Biden for having "appeared to imply his uncle was eaten by...

Gothamist—Extra Extra: Joe Biden suggested that cannibals in Papua New Guinea ate his uncle. Because Papua New Guinea has taken offense, here are your early links: Central Park coyote, close call on the JFK runway, compassion is back, baby, and more. [ more › ]

Time—Papua New Guinea’s Leader Calls Joe Biden’s ‘Cannibals’ Claim an Unfair ‘Punchline’. Papua New Guinea “does not deserve” to be stereotyped, its leader said, after Biden suggested his aviator uncle was eaten there during WWII.

Fox News—Papua New Guinea leader blasts Biden for claiming his uncle was eaten by cannibals. Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape said Monday that he was offended by President Biden's recent comments suggesting his uncle was eaten by cannibals in the Oceanic nation during World War II. Marape expressed disappointment in a statement Monday that Biden would suggest his nation was rife with cannibals, noting also that Papua New Guinea was unwillingly pulled into the global conflict in the 1940s. Biden's comments suggesting his uncle, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., was eaten in...