OJ Simpson’s Lawyer Describes Simpson’s Last Days, Says Family Won’t Donate Brain To CTE Research

by Vibe

Vibe— Simpson's lawyer detailed the days leading up to his death.

The Independent—OJ Simpson’s remains cremated as lawyer says disgraced NFL star didn’t want anyone to ‘feel sorry’ for him. According to the disgraced former NFL player’s attorney Attorney Malcolm LaVergne, Simpson was cremated on Wednesday, following his death last week at the age of 76

MadameNoire—O.J. Simpson’s Lawyer Is Ensuring The Goldmans And Ex-Wife’s Family Doesn’t See A Cent. The Goldmans or The Browns have not received a dime from their lawsuit.

The Independent—Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer says it’s a ‘great day for America’ after his rape conviction is overturned. Weinstein found guilty in 2020 of raping and assaulting two women, and is serving 23 years at a prison in upstate New York