New research shines light on how expert mapmakers see the world differently

by— Researchers at Aston University have found differences between experienced Ordnance Survey (OS) mapmakers and novices in the way that they interpret aerial images for mapmaking, which could lead to improved training processes for new recruits. The findings are published in the Journal of Vision.—New Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance Trailer Paints a Different World. Titled "An Ideal World", the newest trailer for SMTV:Vengeance highlights it's new storyline and gameplay additions

UCI News—UC Irvine researchers shine light on rapid changes in Arctic and boreal ecosystems. Irvine, Calif., April 16, 2024 — Arctic and boreal latitudes are warming faster than any other region on Earth. In three new studies,...—Targeting friends to induce social contagion can benefit the world, says new research. A new study co-authored by Yale sociologist Nicholas A. Christakis demonstrates that tapping into the dynamics of friendship significantly improves the possibility that a community will adopt public health and other interventions aimed at improved human well-being.