Net Zero by 2050: fantasy, or eco-imperial impoverishment?

by The Spectator Australia

The Spectator Australia— As the years pass since the 2015 Paris climate conference made Net Zero by 2050 the global elite’s Holy Grail,…What to read next: Albanese’s Net Zero protectionism | Australia’s renewable energy superpower fantasy | The moral monopoly of Net Zero | Bowen’s strategy to reduce bills hides $360 billion in costs by 2050

Zero Hedge—Europe Scraps Net Zero, Biden Should But Won't, Why?. Europe Scraps Net Zero, Biden Should But Won't, Why? Authored by Mike Shedlock via, “Unaffordable climate commitments have two leftist British parties racing to exit stage left.” Europeans Ditch Net Zero The Wall Street Journal reports Europeans Ditch Net Zero, While Biden Clings to It You know you’ve stumbled through the looking glass when European politicians start sounding saner on climate policy than the Americans do. Well here we are, Alice: Europeans are...

WSJ—Net Zero Crashes in Scotland - WSJ. The promise of “net zero” carbon emissions may be claiming another political victim this week as Scotland's administration teeters on the...

Rappler—[OPINION] Demystifying net-zero and climate reporting in the Philippines. 'People are never going to take action unless they care. People are never going to care unless they understand.'