Net zero goals allegedly held back by Western Australia’s emissions

by NewsCop

NewsCop— New data has shown that Western Australia's emissions have not been on track for Australia's net zero goals, or the state's plans.

NPR—Net neutrality is back: U.S. promises fast, safe and reliable internet for all. The U.S. will reinstate Obama-era regulations for internet service providers that promise fast, reliable and fair internet speeds for all consumers. What happened when those rules were taken away?

Neowin—[Update] The FCC is voting today to bring back net neutrality in the U.S.. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has now voted in favor of reinstating net neutrality rules, which will bar ISPs from blocking or restricting content on broadband.

PV Tech—EU parliament approves Net-Zero Industry Act to back clean energy production. The Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) was approved with an aim to produce 40% of its annual deployment needs in net zero technologies by 2030.