Monetize your app idea!

by— CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — In today’s digital age, smartphone applications have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, presenting an immense opportunity to create a groundbreaking and lucrative app. PC Magazine has compiled a list of top apps for 2023, and among them are a few that stand out due to their unique purposes and capabilities. […]

Neowin—WhatsApp reportedly working on an in-app dialer for its messaging app. WhatsApp's latest feature currently in development is a new in-app dialer. The feature was discovered in WhatsApp beta for Android v2.24.9.28 and it is not available to testers yet.

9to5Mac—Is TikTok bypassing Apple's App Store in-app purchase commission?. 9to5Mac is supported by Incogni: Stop robocalls, spam emails, stalkers, fraud, and more with Incogni. Exclusive discount for 9to5Mac readers: Use the code Apple55 at checkout to get 55% off the annual plan. A new report from TechCrunch today claims that TikTok might be bypassing Apple’s App Store in-app purchase system. The report says that TikTok is “presenting some of its users with a link to a website” to purchase coins, instead of using Apple’s in-app purchase flow. more

RealClearMarkets—Marco Rubio's Fear of An App Is a Much Bigger Threat Than the App. Decades ago national security eminence Dick Allen asked Ronald Reagan what the strategy was for the Cold War. Reagan boldly responded “We win. They lose.” Reagan’s answer was confide