Is This 'Amazing Shot of Jupiter' Taken with Ordinary Digital Camera Real?

by Snopes

Snopes— "Looks like your coffee table," one social media user commented.

Entrepreneur—From Camera-Shy to Camera-Ready — Here's What to Consider Before You Go on Camera. Are you ready to be on camera? Here are a few things to consider.

PetaPixel—Adobe Says AI is the 'New Digital Camera'. Adobe's Scott Belsky echoes the idea that AI is here to stay and that it's akin to a camera that can supplant humans.

Engadget—The Instax mini 99 could pass for a real Fujifilm camera. Fujifilm’s Instax cameras have been around for a while. They offer instant photo printouts in cute frames, taking over where Polaroid left. Over the years, the company has experimented with pastel colorways, retro styles, hybrid digital and manual photography, and even collaborations with Pokèmon and Taylor Swift. The new Instax mini 99, which was released this month, comes in black. It looks more like my X-T2 and other Fujifilm models than a Polaroid. From a distance, it looks like a pricey...