International study produces a comprehensive 'tree of life' for flowering plants

by— With their own botanical collection material and their research knowledge on the evolution of cruciferous plants (plants of the cabbage family), bioscientists at Heidelberg University have contributed to a large-scale international study that has produced a comprehensive "tree of life" for flowering plants.—International team cracks genomic code for earliest forms of terrestrial plant life. Plant life first emerged on land about 550 million years ago, and an international research team co-led by University of Nebraska–Lincoln computational biologist Yanbin Yin has cracked the genomic code of its humble beginnings, which made possible all other terrestrial life on Earth, including humans.

Reading Eagle—Proper planting of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants. The goal in planting any plant is to help it establish a healthy root system as quickly as possible so that it can fuel all the other processes needed for its growth. For best long-term results, test the soil in the area where you intend to plant and follow the advice in the Soil Report you receive. […]

Main Line Media News—Proper planting of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants. The goal in planting any plant is to help it establish a healthy root system as quickly as possible so that it can fuel all the other processes needed for its growth. For best long-term results, test the soil in the area where you intend to plant and follow the advice in the Soil Report you receive. […]