How to check your internet connection speed on Windows 11

by Trusted Reviews

Trusted Reviews— Wondering if your PC is reaching the internet speed you pay for from your provider? Here's our simple guide on how to check your internet connection speed. You might be an avid online gamer, an enthusiastic consumer of streaming services in a busy household or a parent who had kids complaining about a laggy connection, there are plenty of reasons to wonder what your connection speed is and if it's enough for your home's needs. Whatever the reason, we've got a straightforward guide to...

Trusted Reviews—How to check CPU core usage on Windows 11. Checking your PC’s usage of each CPU core is a good way to determine how your system is dealing with the current workload.  This can help inform you whether you have a powerful enough processor to deal with the task or hand. Most simple tasks will only require the performance of a single CPU core, but more complex workloads, such as video editing or gaming, will require more resources. It’s difficult to determine which components of your PC are causing a performance bottleneck, but...

Neowin—Dell explains how to check if your Windows 11 computer is 'AI-Enabled'. If you recently purchased a new Windows PC and are now wondering whether it is "AI-Enabled" or not, Dell has the answer. The company explained how to identify "AI-Enabled" Windows PCs.—Study finds affordability, not infrastructure, is major barrier to high-speed internet connectivity. With a federal subsidy that has provided less expensive or free broadband internet to more than 23 million American households due to run out of money by the end of May, a new University of Massachusetts Amherst study reveals that direct-to-consumer subsidies can be far more effective at connecting households to high-speed internet than expanding broadband infrastructure.