How illegal loan sharks prey on households desperate for credit

by— Almost three million people were denied official loans over the past two years. Many have few choices other than turning to often dangerous unregulated loans. Have you met with a loan shark? Email—Great-grandmother, 83, dubbed 'Britain's oldest loan shark' is ordered to repay £173,000 after charging cash-strapped customers 40% interest on loans. Tabitha Richardson was found to be 'threatening and menacing' to her seven victims during a 20-year career. Now the loan shark has been told to pay back money she has made or face 19 months in jail.

KTVZ—Is your student loan helping you build a good credit history?. Experian explains ways student loan debt can impact a credit profile and other ways to build credit as a college student.—Drug dealing couple, stalker & loan shark have all recently been jailed at Sheffield Crown Court. The seven criminals pictured here have all been sent to begin prison sentences during recent hearings held at Sheffield Crown Court. Sheffield judges have sent each of the defendants pictured here to begin sentences at His Majesty's Pleasure. The prison terms passed down range from three years to seven years.