Do business credit cards affect your personal credit score?


KTVZ— Ramp explains why it's important to keep your business credit card activity separate from your personal credit.

International Business Times UK—Can I Use My Business Credit Card for Personal Use?. Business credit cards are generally issued in your company's name and used to carry out business expenses. You repay the outstanding debt using company funds, which impacts your company's business credit score.Business credit scores are different from personal credit scores. Furthermore, defaults on a business credit card won't make you personally liable for any defaults, but the company. Today, business credit cards are available for nearly all types of businesses, be it large corporations and...

Skillet—Here's How Magnets Actually Affect Your Credit Cards. Do magnets damage your credit cards, potentially causing payment issues? Here's what to know about about magnetic risks and how new EMV chip technology protects against demagnetization.

Washington Examiner—Confronting the suffocating grip of credit card giants on small businesses. As we observe Small Business Week, it is important to reflect on the vital contributions that small businesses make to our national economy and the fabric of our local communities. These establishments are more than just the backbone of the economy; they embody the spirit of entrepreneurship and resilience that defines our nation. Small businesses […]