How a second Trump presidency could tear Europe apart


POLITICO— The former president’s return would cement a shift in the United States as a fact that can no longer be ignored.

Washington Examiner—Robert De Niro likens a second Trump presidency to Hitler’s Germany. Actor Robert De Niro suggested that a second term from former President Donald Trump could be similar to Germany’s situation under Adolf Hitler. De Niro appeared on MSNBC on Thursday to continue his campaign against Trump, who he has long opposed. The actor referred to the then-2016 presidential candidate as a con artist, among other […]

KTVZ—Biden and Trump offer worlds-apart contrasts on issues in 2024's rare contest between 2 presidents. By SEUNG MIN KIM, JILL COLVIN and CALVIN WOODWARD Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — It hasn’t happened in almost anyone’s lifetime: two presidents squaring off in one election. Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, have track records in office that voters will judge alongside their promises. On abortion, immigration, taxes, wars abroad — you

KIFI—Biden and Trump offer worlds-apart contrasts on issues in 2024's rare contest between 2 presidents. By SEUNG MIN KIM, JILL COLVIN and CALVIN WOODWARD Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — It hasn’t happened in almost anyone’s lifetime: two presidents squaring off in one election. Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, have track records in office that voters will judge alongside their promises. On abortion, immigration, taxes, wars abroad — you