GoodFellas now has a “trigger warning” at AMC


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ScreenGeek—AMC Gives 'Goodfellas' Trigger Warning For Offensive Content With "Cultural Stereotypes". As times have progressed, warnings have been applied on certain platforms for classic movies. The warnings are to accommodate viewers that might be upset by the subject matter depicted in these particular films which hasn’t exactly aged appropriately for today’s standards. Many viewers don’t see it as a necessity, while others appreciate the warnings. Now, []

Fox News—AMC triggers backlash for adding warning to 'Goodfellas' for stereotypes that don't match modern 'inclusion'. AMC Networks faced backlash after it placed a warning before classic 1990 mobster film "Goodfellas," cautioning viewers it may defy modern cultural norms. "This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers," the warning read.  A representative from AMC told The New York Post that "In 2020, we began adding advisories in front of certain films that include racial or cultural references that...

Breitbart—Nolte: ‘Goodfellas’ Slapped with Fascist ‘Cultural Stereotypes’ Trigger Warning. Fascist AMC has slapped Martin Scorsese’s 1990 masterpiece "Goodfellas" with a trigger warning for “cultural stereotypes.”