Gigantic Jurassic raptor footprints unearthed in China

by— Scientists have discovered the tracks of a 5 meter-long raptor dinosaur, challenging what was previously known about the species' size range.—China to hold drills in South China Sea. The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration announced on Sunday that the Chinese military will hold shooting drills in parts of the South China Sea. The exercises will take place from Sunday to Tuesday

BBC—BBC on boat chased down by China in South China Sea. We could see the larger Chinese ship moving closer, both our ships going at high speed. The Chinese crew were close enough for us to see...

Breaking Defense—Countering China’s Red Dragon over the South China Sea. Thelmar Rosarda and Nathaniel Schochet of CNAS argue in this op-ed that the US should strengthen its partnerships with countries to combat China’s aggression in the South China Sea.