Flex your summer! 4 must-do activities to make this sunny season your best yet

by The Philippine Star

The Philippine Star— To let you flex more this summer, DITO has recently launched mobile postpaid products that fit whatever budget and lifestyle.

Charlie INTEL—Diablo 4 Season 4 promises long overdue features in what looks to be best update yet. Blizzard have revealed their plans for the upcoming Diablo 4 Season 4 and it looks better than ever for the ARPG's future.

VG247—Watch Blizzard make a case for Diablo 4 Season 4 in today's post-PTR developer stream. Diablo 4 returns to the spotlight once gain today, thanks to a new developer livestream from Blizzard. This one is set to focus on all the lessons learned from the game's recent Public Test Realm (PTR), and basically discuss the larger points of feedback.This also happens to be the pre-Season 4 stream, so we’re bound to learn more about the upcoming season.

The Escapist—Diablo 4 Season 4 May Skip the Seasonal Mechanic. With so many changes in Diablo 4 Season 4, there may not be a true Seasonal mechanic for players to progress.