First oral arguments in Grants Pass Supreme Court case


KOBI-TV NBC5— GRANTS PASS, Ore. – The city of Grants Pass argued its case in front of the Supreme Court Monday, its the case that has cities all over the country watching closely, even San Diego joined the case. It’s about the city’s homeless issue. The Supreme Court case is regarding the criminalization of sleeping in public […]

KOBI-TV NBC5—Grants Pass mayor weighs in on city's Supreme Court case. GRANTS PASS, Ore. – Grants Pass Mayor Sara Bristol spoke with NBC5 about the Supreme Court case Tuesday, centered on whether or not the city can criminalize sleeping in public spaces. Monday saw the first oral arguments in front of the country’s highest court, in a case that’s garnering nationwide attention. Mayor Sara Bristol said […]—Grants Pass Homeless Case Starts in U.S. Supreme Court. WASHINGTON, D.C. — In Grants Pass V. Johnson, a lawyer made opening arguments, saying, “In 35 suits

Los Angeles Times—Letters to the Editor: Opposing views on the Grants Pass homelessness case at the Supreme Court. To the editor: The U.S. Supreme Court may allow municipalities to crack down on homeless encampments within their jurisdiction. This would effectively make homelessness a crime. This attitude is nothing new. Nearly 100 years ago, G.K. Chesterton wrote: "For our law has in it a turn of humor or touch of fancy which Nero or Herod never happened to think of: that of actually punishing homeless people for not sleeping at home." We live in a culture where we idolize the rich and despise the poor. We...