New Mexico Supreme Court gives students chance to hear live oral arguments

by KRQE News 13

KRQE News 13— ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The Rule of Law Program is a live civics educational program for middle school, high school and college students. In the program the New Mexico Supreme Court holds an oral argument that students listen to. After the argument students will have a Q&A session with the justices and will have a chance []

Daily Kos—Listen live: The Supreme Court hears oral arguments over Trump's call for complete immunity. On Thursday morning, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments concerning Donald Trump’s claim that a president has “complete immunity” from criminal prosecution for acts taking place during his term in office. If Trump is successful in his appeal, it could reduce the charges he is facing in three criminal trials, as well as profoundly alter the balance of power in the government. In December, the idea that presidents hold absolute immunity from prosecution was firmly rejected by U.S. District...

KRQE News 13—New Mexico Supreme Court hears arguments in case over APS teacher’s racial comments. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – On Monday, the New Mexico Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a discrimination lawsuit against Albuquerque Public Schools (APS). In the case, Johnson V. Board of Education, a student sued the public school system after a teacher called a Navajo student with fake blood on her cheek a “bloody Indian” during a Halloween []

Reading Eagle—Supreme Court to hear oral arguments on abortion and Trump. The court will close out oral arguments for the term this week with two high-profile cases.