EFCC and the brigandage that won't stop

by Vanguard News

Vanguard News— Nigerians have always been sentimental about issues concerning Politically Exposed Persons and it is understandable.

SiliconBeat—#MeToo advocates: Weinstein decision won’t stop the reckoning. Tarana Burke stressed in an interview that while legal advances are necessary for progress, "the judicial system has never been a friend of survivors. And so it's the reason why we need movements, because movements have historically been what has pushed the legal system to do the right thing."

The Nation—The Reactionary Justices Won’t Stop Until Abortions Are Illegal Everywhere. Jeet Heer Oral arguments in Idaho case make clear that further, even more radical attacks on reproductive freedom are coming.

Bangor Daily News—Sorry, but that owl decoy won’t stop critters from destroying your crops. Even the most skittish prey animals are wise enough to figure out that the scary statue isn’t likely to cause them any harm.