Eating the way we do hurts us and the planet, Canadian study finds

by— In an age of abundance and variety in food options, are Canadians eating better than they were half a century ago? According to a recent paper by researchers at McGill University and the International Food Policy Research Institute, those relying on Canada's food supply for their dietary needs not only face deficiencies in healthier alternatives but also contribute to the disproportionate levels of environmental degradation caused by Canadian agricultural and food distribution policies.

Edmonton Journal—Player Grades: Just as Edmonton Oilers find ways to lose games, they find ways to win them. Just as the Edmonton Oilers find ways to lose games, they find ways to win them. We apologize, but this video has failed to load.—License suspensions disproportionately hurt marginalized communities, finds study. Drivers in New York state were issued more than 1 million license suspensions in 2017, and about two-thirds of them were for "traffic debt"—failure to pay a traffic ticket or to appear in traffic court—while less than 10% were for driving infractions.

The Daily Signal—US’ Permissive Abortion Laws Highlight Need for Federal Protections, Study Finds. A recent study is declaring U.S. abortion law to be “far more permissive than the vast majority of the world.” In its 2024 report on Read More