Discovery of new ancient giant snake in India

by— A new ancient species of snake dubbed Vasuki Indicus, which lived around 47 million years ago in the state of Gujarat in India, may have been one of the largest snakes to have ever lived, suggests new research published in Scientific Reports. The new species, which reached an estimated length of between 11 and 15 meters, was part of the now extinct madtsoiidae snake family, but represented a distinct lineage that originated in India.

Forbes—Giant Ancient Snake Found In India Could Have Been As Long As A T. Rex. Researchers in India have discovered a snake from 47 million years ago that measured up to 50 feet. They say it sheds light on the madtsoiidae clade's biogeography.

RedState—Giant 50-Foot Snake Found in India. Upside: It's Extinct.. If you, like Indiana Jones, have a thing about snakes, add western India alongside the Amazon basin on the list of places you don't want to go. Of course, we're talking about the western India of about 47 million years ago, where a snake around 50 feet long and weighing in at nearly a ton lived in the forests and rivers. That weight, of course, is an estimate, as at the time the snake lived, there were no

ABC News—This ancient snake in India might have been longer than a school bus and weighed a ton. Researchers in India have found fossils of an ancient giant snake that could have been longer than a school bus