CyberheistNews Vol 14 #17 [HEADS UP] LastPass Warns of a 'CEO' Deepfake Phishing Attempt

by @KnowBe4

@KnowBe4— [HEADS UP] LastPass Warns of a 'CEO' Deepfake Phishing Attempt

@KnowBe4—CyberheistNews Vol 14 #18 [Wake Up Call] A Fresh Nespresso Domain Hijack Brews an MFA Phishing Scheme. [Wake Up Call] A Fresh Nespresso Domain Hijack Brews an MFA Phishing Scheme

@KnowBe4—Kudos! CEO Reveals He Got Phished. The other day I was participating in a company’s employee meeting when the CEO revealed he had been “caught” that morning by a real phishing attack email.

@KnowBe4—Phishing Failures: How Not to Phish Your Users. This blog was co-written by Javvad Malik and Erich Kron. Let’s dive into the cautionary world of phishing simulations gone wrong. You know, those attempts to train users not to fall for phishing that somehow end up setting off more alarms than a Hawaiian missile alert system.