Cronyism Gets in the Way of Decentralizing the Department of Education

by Centro de Periodismo Investigativo

Centro de Periodismo Investigativo— While the Governor downplayed the resignation of nearly a dozen experts he had convened to decentralize and depoliticize the agency, the federal government asked him to put the community’s needs at the forefront of the initiative and ensure the right voices are seated at the table.

Stanford Daily—Good ol’ Ways: The history of Ways general education requirements. Stanford’s Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing system for undergraduate breadth requirements allows students to choose from a set of nearly 2,000 approved courses to count toward their degree. Although the Ways system has been in effect for a decade now, disparities remain in the number of Ways-approved courses across departments and the categories of Ways requirements. Social Inquiry is the most widely available Ways credit, as opposed to Ethical Reasoning, which is more than five times as scarce,...

Fast Company—Educators are leading the way in AI and visual communication. As visual communication becomes the norm in the workplace and artificial intelligence (AI) turns from a nice-to-have tool to a necessity and expectation, it’s clear that our classrooms need to adjust—and we all know that change isn’t easy. The encouraging news is that educators are up for the challenge. As they recognize the benefits of integrating visual communication and AI into education—enhancing student learning, improving teaching experiences, and reducing administrative burdens—there is...

Apartment Therapy—The Right Way to Bleach White Clothes (and Get Them So Bright). Brighten up your favorite white T-shirt. READ MORE