• From Protest to Resistance

    The scope of Pro-Palestine activism continues to widen in the U.S. Radical writer Paul Street noticed a distinct difference to the April 15th call for a “Coordinated Economic Blockade to Free Palestine” in the United States. From blockading highways in major U.S. cities to targeting weapons and energy companies to manufacturing corporations, according to Street, “The movement beyond protest to resistance More

  • and it's cast a shadow over my whole life

    Some of my earliest - and happiest - memories are of time spent with my paternal grandmother. My cousin was born and overnight, it seemed, she transferred her attention. I was devastated.

  • From the Ground Up: The hunt for deer-resistant plants

    A hungry deer will eat what is available. However, it is understood that deer food preferences change with deer population levels, the season, and can vary region to region.

    • WLNS

    Response team trains for mass fatalities

    A special training was held Wednesday at Eaton County, designed to help officials respond to a mass fatality disaster.

  • Explainer: Why Are Mass Protests Shaking Tbilisi?

    Georgians have been demonstrating in huge numbers since April 9 over legislation known as the "foreign agents" bill. As Sophie Datishvili of RFE/RL's Georgian Service explains, many Georgians see the bill as a threat not just to civil society but also the country's European aspirations.

  • Wedding mass honors longevity of marriages

    The Catholic Diocese is celebrating the longevity of married couples with a vow renewal ceremony and Mass next month.

  • How to Use Your iPad as a Second Mac Display

    Apple has a hidden feature that can instantly turn your iPad into a lag-free secondary monitor for your Mac. If you have an iPad lying around, try out this feature to see if it can work for you.

  • Gaia BH3, the black hole that shouldn't exist

    The recent discovery of a binary system containing an extremely rare object, the most massive black hole (apart from SgrA ) ever detected in our Galaxy, calls into question the models for the formation of these bodies.

  • A Polestar Phone now inexplicably exists

    Polestar normally makes electric cars, but now it's releasing a phone.

  • HMD steps out of the shadows with own-brand launch

    Recently rebranded Human Mobile Devices (HMD) unveiled the first smartphone range sporting its own name, having spent more than seven years making and selling devices using the Nokia brand.

    • KTVZ

    The 'secret' auto insurance you didn't know existed

    Way.com looks into assigned risk pools, a lesser-known insurance option for higher-risk drivers offered.

  • If photons have mass, could they explain dark matter?

    When it comes to the Universe, there are some things we can be confident are out there based on what we observe. We know that the Universe was hotter, denser, and more uniform in the distant past. We know that the stars and galaxies in the Universe have grown up and evolved as the Universe has aged. We know that gravitation has formed the large-scale structure in the Universe, and that structure has grown more complex over time. And we also know how much normal matter, altogether, is present in...