The 'secret' auto insurance you didn't know existed


KTVZ— looks into assigned risk pools, a lesser-known insurance option for higher-risk drivers offered.

MIT Technology Review—“I wanted to work on something that didn’t exist”. In 2017 Polina Anikeeva, PhD ’09, was invited to a conference in the Netherlands to give a talk about magnetic technologies that she and her team had developed at MIT and how they might be used for deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson’s disease. After sitting through a long day of lectures, she was struck…

Cracked—Comedian Claps Back At Heckler Who Didn’t Know He Was Literally in ‘The Joker’. Sam Morril smacks down an ornery Philadelphian who mistakenly thinks that Morril is Arthur Fleck

CafeMom—5 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Masturbation That I Didn’t Know About. In case anyone needs a little extra push to "treat" themselves during National Masturbation Month, there are evidence-based health benefits of masturbation.