Clouds decrease tonight leaving behind a sunny and warmer end to the work week!


MYTWINTIERS— AVERAGE HIGH FOR APRIL 24th: 63° AVERAGE LOW FOR APRIL 24th: 37° WEDNESDAY'S SUNRISE: 6:12 AM WEDNESDAY’S SUNSET: 8:00 PM Elmira, N.Y. (WETM) - Clouds decrease tonight leaving behind a sunny and warmer end to the work week! Showers return this weekend and will persist into the new work week. More details below: TONIGHT: Clouds will be on the []

KSNT News—Mostly sunny weather returns for the end of the work week. What We’re Tracking A cold front sweeps through today switching our winds to the north for a little while and cooling our temperatures a bit. Overnight lows look to dip into the upper 40s. During the night, the sky should fully clear across the region. By Friday, we finally get a break from the storm []

41NBC News—Cloud cover returns to end the week. MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Middle Georgia will see added cloud cover Friday and over the weekend. The Rest of the Evening A handful of clouds are expected to move into Middle Georgia tonight, however the bulk of them likely will not arrive until sunrise tomorrow. It will be a muggy night with lows in the upper 50s and lower 60s

WHIO-TV—Clouds increase tonight; More storms later this week. Clear skies early this evening give way to more clouds late tonight.