Can you move rooms in Fallout Shelter?

by Charlie INTEL

Charlie INTEL— Organizing your rooms in Fallout Shelter is a great way of keeping affairs in check, so here's whether move rooms in the game.

Charlie INTEL—How to merge rooms in Fallout Shelter. Merging rooms in Fallout Shelter is great for increasing productivity, so here's how you can do it easily.

Charlie INTEL—Best armor in Fallout Shelter. Fallout Shelter has a long list of armor you can craft for your Dwellers, so here's the best options you got to explore the Wasteland.

The Guardian—A room of her own: Mona Lisa could be moved, says Louvre. New room would give thousands of daily visitors better experience, says museum presidentThe Mona Lisa, the world’s most famous portrait, could get a room of its own in the Louvre, the museum’s president said.Such a move would give visitors, many of whom visit the Louvre for the famous painting alone, a better experience, Laurence des Cars told the broadcaster France Inter. Continue reading